Bharat and Sumitra Kaushaliya is to take his leave. Bharat leaves. Keka crying, trying to stop him, saying: Do not go. Sita Ram and Laxman said that moving to another place, as everyone knows, in this place, and will come here again and again. Laxman and Sita along with him. Like Ram, Sita and Laxman are leaving, Rishi Kutia live around them says that there are many living around the Rakshasa where they are going according to plan. Ram tells them that MaharishiAtre, Sharbhang and many are there too, and wants to have his darshan. Bharat Satrughna points beyond its responsibility towards the people and to help them. A woman's face is covered with. Bharat asks her what to do for them. The woman covers her face, is Mandvi and Bharat wants to be with, he tells her to stay with Mata Kaushaliya not, so to lose Ram and Sita. Janak told his daughters that if he leaves, he tells them that they are going through a difficultTime, but must be patient and sometimes their husbands to return. Keka Janak reaches and says with tears in his eyes that is the cause of all this. Kaushaliya takes them in her arms. Ram, Sita and Laxman to Rishi Aashram ATRES and are greeted by the Rishis. Eatsmart Bathroom Scale Buy Badger Sink Erator Buy Prices Delta Faucet Touch2o
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